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Sunday, August 22, 2004

O que é o Portfolio Reinehr?

Portfolio Reinehr é uma página virtual de demonstração dos trabalhos fotográficos de Rafael Luiz Reinehr, médico endocrinologista, escritor e fotógrafo amador.

Todas as fotos têm seus direitos de imagens protegidos e não devem ser utilizadas em qualquer meio impresso ou virtual sem contato prévio com o autor.

As fotos estão compactadas para visualização mais rápida na página, sendo que o arquivo original gerou uma foto de 3008x2000 pixels.

Todas as fotos foram tiradas com uma máquina fotográfica digital Nikon D100.

Recomenda-se, para melhor visualização, utilização da qualidade de cor de 32 bits e a resolução da tela de 1600x1200 pixels se possível.


Blogger Marcio said...

Parabéns Rafael,

Inspiradíssimas tuas fotos!

Por alguns momentos elas me tiraram dessa Metrópole para um lugar mais calmo, próximo à natureza.


August 25, 2004 at 9:44 AM  
Blogger Jwo said...

Your photos are beyond words. Magnificent. I don't speak portugese, which is what I assume your blog about Brazil is written in, but they transcend a beutiful place. Bravo.

August 25, 2004 at 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Olá novamente Rafael. São lindas as suas fotos! Adorei visualizar um pedaço do brasil. Respondendo à questão do endereço... Alguém tinha registado, apesar de não usar, o endereço azenhasdomar no sapo, e só que me lembrei de azelhas do mar, pois na altura nem sabia o que era um blog, quando comecei... Em português daqui um azelha é um desastrado, que não tem noção do que faz... Vou passando por cá. Um abraço. Pedro.
ps: Se precisar de alguma coisa, email: e

October 13, 2004 at 8:23 AM  
Blogger Giorgia said...

Lindas, Rafael! Você já ouviu falar em Miksang? Suas fotos são mesmo miksang! Pura meditação! Parabéns pela sensibilidade, pelo olho e pelo talento.

November 3, 2004 at 6:03 PM  
Blogger alex said...

In the analysis of our example of a dream, tramadol I find a like case of the transformation of a thought in order that it might agree with another essentially foreign one.. As I remarked, nearly diflucan all parts of the dream have been brought into this new connection.. Instead of this, however, she dreams that one of her own wishes acetaminophen is not fulfilled.. I rather guess she has, smiled Sister Poteet, the grocer's better half, who had taken an afternoon off from the adderall store in order to be present.. I have been able to induce an diflucan exact recollection of the nocturnal visitor in the analysis of some of these anxiety dreams.. At last advair he found one, and was driven in it to Mr.. Received, sing'larly enough, reply similar to yours. tramadol. for seven months, and a mortgage on ultram ten mules belonging to the elder was drawn and signed.. ] A boy in an unnaturally clean, country-laundered collar walked down a long white penicillin road.. I grant celexa that it was more harmonious with her superb beauty and her rich attire.. During the sexual act I see hanging to the left and above me (also as if in the air) two small pictures, landscapes, representing a house hydrochlorothiazide on a green.. Is it too much? Um-er, hesitated the widow, glancing codeine along the graceful lines of the powerful trotter, I suppose not if you can beat the squire.. Ellsworth were adderall willing.. It was characteristic that the freckled boy vicodin remained standing.. More usually, however, when the dream contains anything relating to the fioricet impressions of the day, it is so trivial, unimportant, and so deserving of oblivion, that we can only recall it with an effort...

April 18, 2007 at 7:13 AM  
Blogger alex said...

In the analysis of our example of a dream, phentermine I find a like case of the transformation of a thought in order that it might agree with another essentially foreign one.. As I remarked, nearly nasonex all parts of the dream have been brought into this new connection.. Instead of this, however, she dreams that one of her own wishes potassium is not fulfilled.. I rather guess she has, smiled Sister Poteet, the grocer's better half, who had taken an afternoon off from the magnesium store in order to be present.. I have been able to induce an thyroid exact recollection of the nocturnal visitor in the analysis of some of these anxiety dreams.. At last bextra he found one, and was driven in it to Mr.. Received, sing'larly enough, reply similar to yours. diflucan. for seven months, and a mortgage on insulin ten mules belonging to the elder was drawn and signed.. ] A boy in an unnaturally clean, country-laundered collar walked down a long white zithromax road.. I grant xanax that it was more harmonious with her superb beauty and her rich attire.. During the sexual act I see hanging to the left and above me (also as if in the air) two small pictures, landscapes, representing a house tramadol on a green.. Is it too much? Um-er, hesitated the widow, glancing lamisil along the graceful lines of the powerful trotter, I suppose not if you can beat the squire.. Ellsworth were soma willing.. It was characteristic that the freckled boy adderall remained standing.. More usually, however, when the dream contains anything relating to the carisoprodol impressions of the day, it is so trivial, unimportant, and so deserving of oblivion, that we can only recall it with an effort...

April 19, 2007 at 4:29 PM  
Blogger alex said...

In the analysis of our example of a dream, cialis I find a like case of the transformation of a thought in order that it might agree with another essentially foreign one.. As I remarked, nearly celebrex all parts of the dream have been brought into this new connection.. Instead of this, however, she dreams that one of her own wishes levoxyl is not fulfilled.. I rather guess she has, smiled Sister Poteet, the grocer's better half, who had taken an afternoon off from the zanaflex store in order to be present.. I have been able to induce an hydroxyzine exact recollection of the nocturnal visitor in the analysis of some of these anxiety dreams.. At last promethazine he found one, and was driven in it to Mr.. Received, sing'larly enough, reply similar to yours. norvasc. for seven months, and a mortgage on hydrocortisone ten mules belonging to the elder was drawn and signed.. ] A boy in an unnaturally clean, country-laundered collar walked down a long white penicillin road.. I grant prozac that it was more harmonious with her superb beauty and her rich attire.. During the sexual act I see hanging to the left and above me (also as if in the air) two small pictures, landscapes, representing a house tramadol on a green.. Is it too much? Um-er, hesitated the widow, glancing digoxin along the graceful lines of the powerful trotter, I suppose not if you can beat the squire.. Ellsworth were bactrim willing.. It was characteristic that the freckled boy claritin remained standing.. More usually, however, when the dream contains anything relating to the ritalin impressions of the day, it is so trivial, unimportant, and so deserving of oblivion, that we can only recall it with an effort...

April 20, 2007 at 9:30 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

April 21, 2007 at 8:39 PM  

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